Official Farmgate & Easichick Stockist
Keep your hens Healthy and Happy.
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Our small selection of quality Feed and Bedding provides everything you need to look after your hens nutritional requirements and to keep them warm and comfortable.

Farmgate Layers Pellets 20kg £11.00
Farmgate layers pellets contains 16% protein and optimum levels of calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin D3 for bone strength, good shell quality, rich yellow yolk colour, high egg numbers and good egg size.
Each hen should eat roughly 1kg per week but this will vary according to season, weather, & living conditions.
An excellent basic ration which gives your birds all the essentials.

Farmgate Super Omega Mash 20kg £17.50
Farmgate Super Omega Mash contains Lintec a unique & natural processed form of Linseed, which is a highly concentrated source of “Omega 3” fatty acids. Inclusion of Lintec has been shown to give: - A slight drop in the egg’s fat content - A lowering of the saturated fatty acid content - A slight drop in the egg’s cholesterol level. All of which have shown beneficial effects to human health. Lintec inclusion has also shown improvements in egg colour, smell, yolk substance and taste.
This is a premium feed which definitely makes a noticeable difference to the richness of the hens eggs, especially if you are not able to free range your flock. The birds absolutely love it!

Easichick 10kg £7.50
We can't recommend Easichick highly enough.
Dust free wood fibre bedding which has been specially designed for poultry and other birds
easichick boasts a host of benefits not found with traditional poultry beddings, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking to provide the best for their birds while saving themselves time cleaning out houses. And because less bedding is used it proves more economical too.
Easichick is biosecure making it bacteria free & because easichick is absorbent and free draining, it doesn’t get wet on top and it lasts longer so less time is spent cleaning it out.
Easichick also has Organic Farmers and Growers approval so can be composted and spread on your garden.

Edinburgh Chickens Mixed Corn approx. 5kg £4.00
A complementary feed designed to be fed as a treat alongside a balanced diet of layers pellets or mash. Feeding your hens some corn in the evening will make them friendly and happy and always run to you when they see you!
Our mixed corn includes home grown wheat, barley and oats with additional black sunflower seeds and maize.
An egg cup full per hen per day is enough otherwise they get too tubby!

Edinburgh Chickens Oyster Shell Grit approx. 1kg £4.00
Oyster shell ensures you chickens get enough calcium, this helps them to produce nice hard egg shells on their own eggs.
Always have a pot of Oyster shell somewhere in the run,they will take it when they need it and only use a little.

Edinburgh Chickens Diatom Powder approx. 1kg £6.50
An organic mineral that works very well to keep down red mite ,lice and other crawling creatures.
Give you chicken coop a good dusting once a week to keep them at bay.
You can also use it to make a dust bath for your chickens.
A must for those with a wooden hen house.