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Lots of Lovely birds in stock 
Updated Monday 10th March 

Appointments now open to collect your new feathered friends!

At Edinburgh Chickens you can choose from 14 different varieties of hybrid hen. They all mix happily together so you can pick any combination of birds you like.


They're assorted colours and each type has their own characteristics but  they all share an easy-going nature and have great egg laying potential - you can even choose from brown, white or blue egg layers.


All are suitable to keep in a garden situation and also for novice keepers or happily free range in a large flock.




Partridge £22.50

Partridge £22.50

OUT OF STOCK Back soon! 290 White Eggs. A prolific layer of lovely white eggs. She's and elegant bird who is quick and light on her feet!. Dark brown and gold in colour she is a gorgeous bird when mature.

Bluebell £22.50

Bluebell £22.50

IN STOCK 280 Brown/Pink Eggs A blueish, greyish, purplely ball of feathers, a powder puff on legs! Her colouring ranges from light to dark but all are a beautiful colour. She’s very friendly too.

Blacktail £22.50

Blacktail £22.50

IN STOCK 300 Brown Eggs Shes a rich glossy chestnut coloured girl with black wing tips and tail feathers. An old fashioned wee red hen who's a very reliable layer of slightly darker brown eggs.

Light Sussex Star £22.50

Light Sussex Star £22.50

LOW STOCK 280 Brown eggs She is a very attractive, sparkling white bird with black feathers at her collar, tail and wing tips. Quite heavy and traditional looking with a docile, laid-back nature.

Nero £22.50

Nero £22.50

IN STOCK 290 Brown Eggs. A very Chic Chick, with predominantly black colouring which glistens green in the sunshine, and varying degrees of gold around her collar. The Nero is a beautiful hen but, despite this, she is hardy enough to withstand the rigours of our Scottish climate. Bold and friendly.

Speckledy £22.50

Speckledy £22.50

IN STOCK 290 Brown/Speckled Eggs. A sturdy girl, with wholesome, farmyard looks! A very popular choice, her plumage is flecked with grey, black and white with lovely soft feathering. She has a great temperament.

Buff Barred £22.50

Buff Barred £22.50

IN STOCK 300 Brown Eggs Like our old Isa Brown she's a lovely little red hen, with creamy colours throughout her feathering and one or two black feathers in her tail and wing tips. Confident and inquisitive, She is also a fantastic layer.

Daisybelle £22.50

Daisybelle £22.50

IN STOCK 290 Brown Eggs Another beautiful Black hen, this time with varying degrees of white feathering over her neck and head. She is a well made hen with a quiet nature and good layer of large eggs.

Lavender Splash £22.50

Lavender Splash £22.50

OUT OF STOCK Back Soon! 290 Cream Eggs. A delicate shade of lavender with splashes of black feathering throughout she's especially pretty, much lighter than the bluebell. A good layer and a placid natured hen.

Amber Link £22.50

Amber Link £22.50

OUT OF STOCK Back soon! 290 brown eggs. A very popular hen, she's white flecked with brown feathers over her wings and back. Placid and easy going.

White Star £22.50

White Star £22.50

OUT OF STOCK Back soon! 300 Pure White Eggs. She only little but she's sparky and she lays beautiful pearly white eggs just as big (if not bigger) than her larger chums. A very reliable layer and although she's unlikely to want to sit on your knee she is still one of my favourites.

Coral Nick £22.50

Coral Nick £22.50

IN STOCK 290 Brown eggs Plump and pure white she's very friendly and laid back, always one of the first to be poking her beak in to see what's going on.

Blu/Green Layer £30

Blu/Green Layer £30

OUT OF STOCK Back soon! (Marsbar/Skyline/Devon) 280 Blue/Green Eggs. Our special girls! These 3 are hybrids bred for their blue /green egg laying (80% lay blue or green, 20% cream eggs).Funky little hens, they are either, speckled. white or grey/brown. All have a fab crested hairstyle and will add a bit of colour to your egg boxes.

Edinburgh Chickens are all sold at "Point of Lay", that's 18 - 21 Weeks old.

This means they'll very soon provide you with lots of eggs  and you can be certain that they are healthy young hens.

 pictures are for illustration of type only, each of our hens has her own unique markings and individual beauty.


They are hardy and robust enough to endure a cold Scottish winter and all are hens, absolutely no cockerels!

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